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* My tenth Album♪
Morning Routine - for your fresh dawn -

‘Morning routine’- the hot topic in movie sites. Watch and come to know how we could spend our wonderful morning in many different ways, and stay positive with visions and dreams. I made this album with my wish that you all can have a heavenly, refreshing, and cheerful mind for your new mornings! I hope you will like it.

* Tracks(My thoughts for each track.
 1. The beginning of a new day
 2. Open the window
 3. The fragrance of aromatic mist
 4. Morning cooking
 5. Mind-refreshing breakfast
 6. Morning time to concentrate
 7. Morning cleaning
 8. Feel the moment, the present moment

* I am extremely grateful for the assistance
 you have provided in making this album.

 Designer(Illustration) : Ms. nonohana(https://creator.pixta.jp/@prof1145816

♪ Listen
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♪ Streaming
  TAG index

  * Tracks of the Album above were broadcast as follows:


My thoughts for each track.

1. The beginning of a new day
No matter how the yesterday looked like, Morning is the beginning of a new day. Have a blessed, wonderful day! :)

2. Open the window
When you wake up in the morning, start your day by opening the curtain and the window ! Feel the sunshine and the refreshing air to reset your spirit and body!

3. The fragrance of aromatic mist
Stretch your body and take a morning shower while being embraced by the fragrance of your favorite aromatic mist! :) Take a deep breath, medicate to soothe your body and spirit! :)

4. Morning cooking
Convenient kitchen appliances are the “must” for our breakfast and lunch box!! I made this song while imagining the possibilities of having robot and high-tech in our kitchen in the future.

5. Mind-refreshing breakfast
There are a huge number of photos showing wonderful breakfast in social media. A great breakfast is the source of our energy of the whole day.

6. Morning time to concentrate
Gett up early and have a special time for yourself, that’s a good time to concentrate!

7. Morning cleaning
Morning cleaning can be simple and short! Let your room be clean to refresh your mind! That’s great when you return at the end of your day, too! :)

8. Feel the moment, the present moment
Believe me, feel and treasure the present moment, that’s your bright future!